{ metadata_unit:"0xXOuaP5e3z38TF5ooNtDhmwNkh1i21rBWDvrrxKt0U=", registry_address:"AM6GTUKENBYA54FYDAKX2VLENFZIMXWG", suffix:null}{ asset:"IYzTSjJg4I3hvUaRXrihRm9+mSEShenPK8l8uKUOD3o=", decimals:0, name:"WCG Point by Byteball", shortName:"WCG Point", issuer:"Byteball", ticker:"WCG", description:"WCG Point is a honorific token, a recognition of contributing to World Community Grid projects. The token is not transferable, therefore, it cannot be sold and the balance reflects a lifetime contribution to WCG. Some services might choose to offer a privilege to users with large balance of this token."}